Transport and Logistics since 1887
Already back in 1887 Johann Philipp Monnard in his capacity of grand-ducal Hessian court haulier laid the foundation for the now 135-year lasting success history of the Monnard Spedition GmbH. by taking over his first freight commission of delivering 30 bags of fine flour from Michelstadt to the ducal residence. Up into the 1920s the transports using vehicles and the first lorries were mainly effected in the Darmstadt area around what were then the company’s headquarters. In 1926 Johann Monnard, son of the founder of the company, took over the management of the company. Due to the increasing level of motorization and the constantly growing number of lorries the company soon had a staff of 25 and despite the difficult times after Word War II up to the 1960s it became a renowned national transport specialist.
In the meantime the third generation of the family was also solidly established in the management and enhanced further development. In the course of the first oil crisis (1973) and the second oil crisis (1979/1980) and the resulting imponderables for typical hauliers Monnard Spedition GmbH entered a different area of logistics in the 1980s and established the products sea freight and project logistics – we were one of the first specialists for container transports to the USA. Therefore these two products including their value added services have formed the core business since we moved our headquarters to the Hanseatic town of Bremen in 1985.

MONNARD Spedition GmbH today
Today Monnard Spedition GmbH is an internationally active forwarding company and organizes the transport of highquality and sensitive goods all over the world .
Urgent air freight is handled on behalf of our customers under our own discretion in cooperation with our affiliate company at the airports of Hamburg, Münster, Frankfort, Dusseldorf and Munich. Here professionalism has become increasingly important – but still keeping to Monnard’s old tradition of customer service always having top priority.

We don‘t only sell logistic services
– we also offer you a partnership
Our long-term business relationships with customers from a variety of branches confirms our actions. We aim to support the expansion of your business globally.
We want to be the reliable partner at your side who assists you in making the best use of the chances international business offers. In doing so, the use of modern technology, high quality standards, and close customer proximity are the most important maxims and emphasize the way we see modern and reliable logistics partnerships.
• Developing a cooperative relationship with our customers
• Offers of a fair price-performance ratio at all times
• Our skilled staff are always available with expert advice

We are AEO certified – your advantage
Since April 2012 Monnard Spedition GmbH has been certified as an AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) – „customs simplifications/security and safety“ (AEO-F) as defined by the European Union regulations. This means that we can now act more efficiently for our EU trade and industry customers. The most important benefit for us and therefore also for our customers is article 14b CCIP: “The holder of an AEO certificate shall be subject to fewer physical and document-based controls. If further controls are necessary after risk analysis they shall be treated with priority.”
With this certificate the European Union wants to make international supply chains safer. This status is only awarded to logistic companies after complying with numerous conditions such as reliability, ability to pay as well as meeting relevant legal and security regulations. Monnard Spedition GmbH has been complying with these requirements for years and now this new certificate formally proves their own quality standards.

AEO certificate MONNARD Spedition GmbH
Certificate No. DE AEO-F 115885
Valid from: 04.04.2012
Issued by: Hauptzollamt Bremen
Download certificate
The global competence of Monnard and its partners means value-added for you – worldwide
Thanks to our many years of business with exclusive partners at many important business centers we have gathered local expert knowledge throughout the world. Anywhere where we are not represented by on-site agencies we have contracts with hand-picked partners who – after careful investigation – are rated “APPROVED BY MONNARD”.